Potheads the true criminals?

March 16, 2010 - Leave a Response

Oh okay I get it, it’s way easier to catch and punish a peasant pothead rather than a white collar CEO who treat American companies as their personal checking account.  According to Harvard Law professor Lucian Bebchuk the top five officers at major U.S. public companies extracted roughly a half-trillion dollars in pay, stock and perks over the past 10 years, pocketing about 9% of average corporate profits.  The public needs to start worrying about the true crooked criminals who have billions upon billions of America’s invested dollars and stop wasting our time and money on harmless potheads.  I believe America’s perception is a little twisted, what do you think?

Marijuana Policy Philosophy.

March 8, 2010 - Leave a Response

A few words of wisdom from some scholars about the erroneous aspects of prohibition.

“When a private enterprise fails, it is closed down; when a government enterprise fails, it is expanded. Isn’t that exactly what’s been happening with drugs?”
– Milton Friedman quote on Marijuana

“Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could.”
– William F. Buckley Jr. quote on Marijuana

I F N love alcohol but……

March 8, 2010 - Leave a Response

I’m a professional perverted ultimate party boy who loves the hell out of alcohol.  I love to get hopped up and make some bad decisions. I’ve probably hooked up with over 300 girls and cant remember half of their names thanks to alcohol.  No I really haven’t, I wish though, I usually get way too drunk and make a complete ass of myself  losing all what little game I have.  As a college student my roommate and I have wetted more beds than a Blue’s Clue’s fan club.  But as fun and exhilarating being drunk may be, it is still way more dangerous than marijuana.  And I believe a majority of Americans would agree with this sediment.  Ask a cop who they would whether deal with, a drunk citizen or a stoned citizen?  But alcohol is the taxed and regulated one.  Bill Hicks once made me wonder when he asked why there were parking lots at bars.

Safer for the youth.

March 8, 2010 - Leave a Response

Legalizing weed would reduce sales and use among teenagers. The illegality of marijuana makes it more valuable than if it were legal, providing opportunities for teenagers to make easy money selling it to their friends. If the excessive profits for marijuana sales were ended through legalization there would be less incentive for teens to sell it to one another.  It would also reduce their exposure to other more dangerous illegal drugs.  Think about it, you don’t go buy cigarettes from a shady drug dealer.  And you don’t go to the store to buy your cigarettes and heroin.  Its just safer.

Marijuana=Lazy and Amotivational???

March 8, 2010 - Leave a Response

Weed making you lazy is a horrible homogenized based misconception.  If smoking weed makes you lazy than you were lazy before you got high. Joe Rogan put it nicely, all weed does is motivate you to not do things that suck. And weed just makes you enjoy whatever you like doing even more. Whether its reading, fishing, hunting, sports, sewing, working out, church, or just hanging out with family  Here’s a list of successful ambitious stoners you might know:


Barry Cooper for Texas Attorney General 2010.

March 8, 2010 - Leave a Response

If you like your 2nd and 4th amendment along with a little of grass, then Barry Cooper is the man for you.  He was the best narcotics cop in Texas before he grew a conscience and realized he was putting people in jail for the wrong reasons.  He has since turned pot advocate and embracer of life and liberty.  He has some revolutionizing ideas on criminal justice that this country and state could highly benefit from.  Check out his biography and ideologies at barrybomb.com.

Stoned while driving better.

March 8, 2010 - Leave a Response

Being stoned does not affect your driving skills as you might think.  If anything you’re a better driver, it can be described as a cross between concentration and paranoia.  And in many studies it shows that it makes one drive an average of 5mph slower and follow 5 car links behind the next.  Check out this video done by the speed network where this guy performs a driving test not stoned, then performs the test better after he smokes a whole joint by himself.

Jesus was a stoner?…..

March 8, 2010 - Leave a Response

The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained high amounts of cannabis extract identified as “kaneh-bosem”.  In fact the recipe from this holy oil in the Old testament book of Exodus (30:22-23) contained over 9lbs. of  “kaneh-bosom”, extracted into 6.5 liters of olive oil along with various other spices.  So to the fundamentalists, who judge people and their marijuana use just because the law says its wrong, should really ask themselves WWJD?  And the answer is probably…toke it up duuuude.


Michael Phelps pro swimmer/pro stoner

March 8, 2010 - Leave a Response

Michael Phelps is a professional swimmer with 14 Olympic gold medals.  He is obviously a professional stoner as well.  Checkout his perfect form as he hits this bong.  For one this is a really nice expensive bong, one that an amateur stoner wouldn’t have or even be around.  Secondly he’s standing up while toking the bong, this takes practice. One having little experience with pot cannot perform this technique with out a considerable amount practice.  It’s extremely dangerous for an amateur to stand up with a bong because that’s how bongs are broken. Thirdly his arm is bent at a perfect 45 degree angle, bending the bong allowing for adequate lung inhalation.  Fourthly his right hand is firmly gripped around the most secure and stable part of the bong, the neck.  It’s just like in the science lab when handling a microscope, we’ve all been there.  It’s okay with me that you’re a stoner Michael, don’t let the idiosyncratic mainstream media get in your head.

Effects of marijuana on motor skills.

March 4, 2010 - Leave a Response

A majority of the populace seems to think pot has an adverse effect on one’s motor skills.  Well let’s ask the outspoken retired 17 year NBA veteran Charles Oakley.  According to him 65% of the NBA players use the drug recreationally and about 50% actually play high.  These are some of the most elite athletes in the world  are going out there every night baked out of their minds  performing  some of the most complex motor skills known to man.  This also demystifies that pot affects your cardio vascular system negatively.  So stop blaming pot on your poor muscle coordination, you were out shape and uncoordinated before you got high.  He said that pot is a great alternative to alcohol, there’s no brutal hangover the next day.   Here are a few more notable elite athletes who admit or have been caught puffin the magic dragon: Michael Phelps, Ricky Williams, Calvin Johnson, Josh Howard, Bill Walton, Carmelo Anthony, and Kareem Abdul Jabar.
